Ode to Poo

Start a revoloution in your home!



Hey Hey I have just done a really big poo

And surprise surprise it is not in your loo

Will you consider to do one too......

If you leave the privy behind

Your mind will slowly unwind.....


ode to poo

Verse 5

Parents form keeping us from being obscene

Would give us pretty coloured plastercine.....


Firstly, this act of not only embracing Poo, but actually sharing my past events and thoughts with the nation, which for most is still a taboo subject .....I will have to point the finger of blame for this somewhat obsessive behaviour at my mother..... it is more than clear that she could not handle the subject matter and this was reflected in our upbringing, in potty training or later lavatory training she would refer to all defecation as "a big mess" not only this, but she would bring in the imperitive "YOU have made a big mess!" imbuing from the start that we had done something terribly wrong.....




But playing with poo is a much better do

It's always warm especially when freshly torn...


Ode to Poo printed on A3 recycled card, punch stamped 000002 and rubber stamped with the A.Nonymous signature £4.50

Ode to Poo as above with punctured holes and string to enable hanging. £6.66

Ode to Poo as above with traces of brown acrylic lumps, smears, fingerprints and remnants of recycled toilet paper . £19.99

Trade prices available for 10 or more units

Postage on request.






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